Monday, October 14, 2019

What are the differences and similarities between email and postal services?

There are several similarities and differences when it comes to the idea of emailing and postal services. When I think of the similarities I think of the fact that both systems do not entirely ensure your privacy. Email accounts can be hacked. At that point, a person would have access to your personal life. What you are buying, scheduled appointments, job inquiries, the list goes on. With that being said, we all know that there is a high possibility that when we are expecting something in the mail, it may not always come. A lot can happen from the time that package leaves the postal office to its destination. For example, I have seen several content on social media where employees working for FedEx were transporting products into their truck and were basically throwing and disrespecting the items. Furthermore, there are as well differences between emailing and postal services. The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that emailing happens in an instant. If I need to urgently get a hold of my professor in regards to an upcoming midterm, I will be able to go on my smartphone, open the Gmail application, and send my professor a quick email of my concerns and he will receive it instantly. However, back in the day, it was not always this quick and handy. For example, my mom told me when she was a teenager, my dad lived in Washington and she was in Hawaii so they often communicated through letters. They would update each other on what’s going on in their lives and the other person would receive the letter in about a little over a week. I thought this was really interesting because my mom could be reading a letter from my dad that he sent weeks ago, but she is just now hearing about it. This is to show that emailing and postal services are very different when it comes to speed.

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